dimanche 27 mars 2011

State Of Being

Chiharu Shiota

Gay Liberation

Gay Liberation, sculpture made by George Segal, american artist

Chanel on Ice David Lachapelle

all in love is fair

the real one

poison Dior


Salvador Dali

Disappearing Bust of Voltaire, 1941

The Visage of War - 1940

Invisible Afghan with the Apparition on the Beach of the Face of Garcia Lorca in the Form of a Fruit Dish with Three Figs 1938

Tim Burton at Moma

BLOOD VS blood


La morte amoureuse de Théophile Gautier

Dracula de Tod Browning d'aprés le livre de Bram Stoker

samedi 19 mars 2011

jeudi 17 mars 2011